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Professional Development & Research

Our Professional Development and Research programs focus on advancing the skills and expertise of eye care professionals. We provide specialized programs designed to address the unique needs of the eye care industry, including the empowerment of women professionals. Initiatives include both hands-on workshops and online courses that cover the latest advancements in technology and best practices. By collaborating with industry experts and other  resources, we ensure that participants are well-equipped to meet the evolving challenges of the field. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive learning environment that supports continuous growth and professional achievement.

Empowering Eye Care Professionals for a Better Tomorrow

We are committed to enhancing the skills and knowledge of eye care professionals. Our professional development initiatives are designed to empower eye care professionals and acquaint them with the latest advancements in the field, for ensuring the delivery of the highest standard of care to patients.

Education Programs

IVI offers a range of continuing education programs that are tailored to meet the needs of students and eye care professionals. These include workshops, seminars, and online courses that cover a range of aspects of eye care -- from clinical techniques to the latest research findings. Our goal is to keep professionals updated with evolving trends and technologies in eye care.

The programs include:

Research Methodology Workshops

Low Vision Workshop

Neuro – Optometry Series – Guide to Neuro – Optometric Rehabilitation

Myopia Lecture Series – Decoding Myopia: Insights on Myopia Management & Control

Advances in Practice Management


Online Lectures and Seminars

IVI Excellence in Vision Monthly Lecture Series

IVI Monthly Panel Discussion

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Monitoring & Evaluation

To effectively gauge the efficacy of our Vision Screening programs, we have in place  a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation process. This includes follow-up surveys with beneficiaries to assess the accuracy of screenings, beneficiary  satisfaction, and the overall quality of programs. By analysing this feedback, we can identify areas for improvement and ensure the programs are impactful. Additionally, we have introduced spectacle compliance initiatives to ensure that individuals prescribed corrective eyewear adhere to using them. This helps maximize the benefits of the screenings, ensuring that visual impairments are effectively addressed and contributing to long-term positive outcomes for the communities we serve.

Leadership and Management Training

Effective leadership and management skills are key to  successful eye care practices. IVI’s specialized training programs focus on developing these skills among eye care professionals. Through interactive sessions and real-world case studies, participants learn how to manage their practices, lead teams effectively, and provide exceptional patient care.​

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Young Leaders Program

The Young Leadership Program is a prestigious initiative aimed at identifying and nurturing young individuals who have the potential to become future leaders in the field of eyecare. IVI’s Young Leaders Program (YLP) aims to cultivate leadership and management skills among eye care professionals in India. The program is open to optometry and public health professionals aged between 22 and 40.

Conferences, Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

Building a strong professional network is essential for growth and development. Our conferences, symposiums, and networking events help eye care professionals  connect, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. The events provide a platform for professionals to learn from each other and build partnerships that drive the field forward.

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Vision and Road Safety (VARS)

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Young Optometry Researcher 
Rolling Trophy

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Optometry Wizard of the Year

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Eye Health in a ChangingWorld Conference

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