The 4th virtual Optometry and Vision Science Research meeting is centered on Connecting the Dots in “Patient Care – Education – Research – Product Development”
Welcome to ResMeet'24 - a conference dedicated to the latest advancements in vision science research! The event will be a two-day virtual meeting on Friday, 25 October and Saturday, 26 October 2024, bringing together leading researchers in developing cutting-edge innovations in optometry &vision science.
ResMeet’24 will be conducted for 4 hours each day (total 8 hours) and feature keynote lectures, invited scientific lectures, panel discussions, paper presentations, and pre-conference workshops. These workshops will equip you with the tools and techniques required to excel in your research endeavors.
These sessions will be organized around four key themes:​
Optometry Education
Product Development
Vision Science Research
In addition, we will also be presenting two awards for best publication in optometry and vision science research, to recognize and encourage budding researchers.
The event participants include Researchers in visual science, UG and PG optometry students, educators, practitioners, ophthalmologists, and colleagues/students from other allied fields (with their work related to eye care or any of the decided themes).